Jeremiah is my name 15,SINGLE Taurus my birthday lies on May 5th currently studying in Greenview Secondary. Like me? stay and read. Hate me? get the fuck outta here...just alt+F4 if u are too dumb>. Music
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
Lots happened while i was away ok let me try to simplify it
1) _l_= lame-.- im sorry but... i can't find a word from my vocab to describe you leh. READ MY POST LA FUCKER. 2)To the sec 3 guy and a sudden "Jerold" from wad i see from your you even know Jerold? he will not scold me like that so if you want another "jireh", use a better name can? PHUA HUM JI DOG, U GO HIDE IN YOUR MUM VAGINA LA! YES YOUR GENERATION WILL END HERE I DUNNO WHY BUT IT SHOULD BE THE COLD HARD TRUTH! ACCEPT IT WITH GRACE OK? 3)To: L. Thanks for the compliment on the vocab! there will be space for improvement hahax xD 4) To: Velonica thanks lots bro but try be more aggressive haha xP 5) To: "TO" Thank arh ur vocab damn good if only we could use it for our exams. Clarification: I am not a straight F9 student u CHEEBAI DUN KAY KIANG. You slapped a teacher? well do it again in front of me ouh... PROVE IT FUCKER. Pissing teacher of was nothing... you smart u do let me see you can go out of class infront of teacher go principal office everyday? NO * YOU GOT AWAY NOOB*. Conclusion I welcome more ignorant bitches and bastard to come tag, well if u tin u got more friend then me then u jolly well bring it on la cheebai. JONATHAN YEO AND JEROLD ISIT? TMLO WE COME U DUN GRAB UR TESTICLES AND RUN OK? - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 9:35 AM Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sometimes i just hope that you will turn back, looking at me for a sec is good enough for me, i want this to end soon, if you are ready to end it, look me into my eyes...
Today i lvled to 31 for x3Vodkax3. Wanted to create guild Sweet Addictionz, sadly not successfull not fnancially but not enough ppl on9 so i'll try tmlo bah. IN school, I am happy that Alena asked a sweet from me again!!! its rare for her to ask me for sweet well it just happens once in a blue moon. Pissed Chew off with every sentence from my mouth and she went dumbfounded in class for a couple of time. Thank You Sean for the Mesos Waiting for your prezzie MR. LAW Tagging off to bed. - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 8:20 AM Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I skipped school again^^ Slept till 1.45 (Time school ends) Started my new maple character woohoo~ Name of character (x3Vodkax3) Lved till 22 and stopped Yes its a pure character Bad news, [FlameboiiXX] is officially banned Don't ask me how I also don't know why. Another bad news Xinyi's precious [lollipopps] Is also banned>.< Conclusion Behaved too guai in maple Hence GM banned us So, GM fuck you - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 7:53 AM Thursday, July 16, 2009
![]() This was wad i drew for my art today, topic was Cartooning^^. He showed this peice of work to the class^^ - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 5:50 AM
Wholives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB PORNDOG! As yellow as porny as he? SPONGEBOB PORNDOG! If porniful nonsense is something u wish? SPONGEBOB PORNDOG! SPONGEBOB PORNDOG SPONGEBOB PORN DOG.....SPONGEBOB PORN DOG!!!!! The above song is dedicated to *coughs you know who you are>.< Ok done with my song^^ Sam and Ju nice bo? - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 5:43 AM Wednesday, July 15, 2009 was like damn long today can? Especially during the last 2 periods with Mr Ong time was literally crawling-.- Although he was lot of fun. I had a change of sweet today, it was NIMN2 ok i fnd it not very nicex.x only sweet addicts liike Darren will think it was nice when inside sticky de.
After school went out with Sam , JU, Jingyi and my RACHEL. We went to play stackers because Sam wated the monokuroboo Mirror. An i realised that i sucked now after not playing it for a long long time...3 times and not a minor price?= FUCKED UP. Rachel was kinda pulling my bag along when she walked, i find her quite close to me all of sudden, but which guys would mind having girls sticking to them? I find her quite cute lol. Then we walked pass some coffee shop and Rachel started swaying abit. I find her quite drunk-.- Then we reached one corner and dumped Jingyi and Rachel. Walked Ju backed home with sam and Sam sent me to the bus stop... Reached home and slept till night 10.00p.m pro bo? Ending off here, Bye - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 9:28 AM Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Today was a Boooooorinnnnnngggggg day in school can? just imagine for 4 period of lessons with Cheryl Chew ouh it sucks can? She was so sarcastic to me, She wrote on the board "My love is like a red red rose"
Cheryl Chew:" What do you think of your own love?" Jeremiah:" Disgusting?" Cheryl Chew:" When love turns into hate, can you be more gracious?" Jeremiah:"Do not compare me to a rose, i am allergic to pollen." Cheryl Chew:"D-I-A-M" Like how did she even know about it if that someone do not go aroud telling people and acting pathetic? If you're tring to tell others that i got another girl? im sorry to disappoint you that im still single now ok? Like Mdm Taj says:"She got the rights to tell others about it, but why must Chew take sides?" I was like duh she being so KPO and please hor Kaiwen please don't say wad i'll emo forever can? i seriously cannot take the sheer pressure of you anymore. P.S. Yes i loved you once. But its indifferent now. - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 8:45 AM Monday, July 13, 2009
Snail-Let says*Meow* Today was not a good day, and i mean it. Lessons was going on as per normal and recess came, things were on the rough side. I was standing outide my class talking to my friends and waiting for Sam then got this guy *pats on my shoulder and iwas like what?! then that *guy turns out to be LAW. He was saying " i am here to escort you to club wellness" i was like "yea im on the way down also haha" then LAW goes" on the way down? you 3 months never come already you know?" and i was like" I was help up by teachers...T.T" *avoiding the subject. I guess heaven really do have eyes argh!@#!@#!@#$@ Was on push up position for 1 whole dam period, there was another malay guy also getting the same lame punishment. But he was fucking slack can?! He was like 5 secs Push up then 20 secs rest?! Fuck him lol still smile at me. After Singam blew the heavenly whistle, i grab my bag and go despite Azhar calling me from behind. Heng was not here again... like WTF? 2 Weeks le and we dun even have had a proper art lesson? Are you really that sick? Abdullah was reliefing my class lol. A great reliefer never did he kpkb like the next teacher. Slacked with darren and Bowen and Bowen was the creator of the Snail-Let cute right? Darren was addicted to the Florida Natural Blueberry nugget, trust me... we ate at the speed of 1 container per period^^ Titi was not in school today and her REP results are with me. Yes i flunked it>.< Signing off now... Quote: Project Runaway vs America's Next Topless Model P.S. Teresa I know looting friend is your all time hobby and i care not two hoots about it, but even if i am not with her anymore, it doesn't give u the right to snatch her friends away get it? - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 12:58 AM Saturday, July 11, 2009
Now its 5.11 a.m. in the morning, i just finished my mapling sessions xD. Maple is a game that lot of people have discussed about. The adults do not encourage it as it is a marriageable game,
they think that once we start to play, we will forget the defintion of a real marriage. The strait times think its going to pull down our results because it is a highly addictive game and breaking up with virtual couples will give us alot of stress and some are even suffering from mid depression after breakups in the virtual world. I personally think, the above are basically crap. The definition of marriage will change after times, how can it stay the same? Breaking up is part and parcel of our life and we will have to learn it sooner and later, for those that are emo over it, please do the earth a favour and kill yourself...well some how. The game is highly overated as dangerous, i have friends playing it to like julyn and CY... u got see them kill themeselves before? I think they play le become more happy lol. My friends have opinion about this game also. Darren think playing the game is ok but dun be like those ask for couple type. Because its showing signs of Despoism. I avoid meeting my online friends because Darren often warned me they are gays... Be it paranoid or not, its wise to avoid meeting them. Signing out! Sorry if my post is boring-.- Flameboii[my aquila character] - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 2:11 PM Friday, July 10, 2009
Today i had my lessons in class, during recess, i was skipping club wellness in class. I "thought" no one will come class find wan lol den later the AZHAR come yes he is a bloody fucker la. He scolded me like fuck like that and i was like giving him the DULAN face. He told me to go down immediately[ actually u think i care?!], yes i went down and walked pass club wellness vaguely. Walked passed the DARK SINGAM and he never catch me...[guess im too white?] . I made a U-turn ti the canteen and walked with lester back to class. Lester was asking why i never do pumping with they PON people there i was like [ tell azhar come invite me la] He was saying im always doing this kinda thing and like was very HIONG to teachers...actually not lol, they fuckingly deserved to be treated this way^^ Had the last 2 period with cancer-patient teacher and like me and Darren found out that her name was JASMINE ok find he finds it very funny and started laughing- - He was kinda like spamming Florida Natural BLUEBERRY and told me the sweet was damn nice ouh. Adeline found the sweet to be kinda weird tasting. When the bell[ nicest music in school] went off i walked pass Lester's class and as usual we talked, and he was like... Lester: U really not with her anymore? Jeremiah: Ya la, at my age, relationships won't lasts Lester:YALO Jeremiah:I'll stay single now Lester:Same. aiya we 2 the best couple lol can lasts forever! Jeremiah: Yalo laopo! Ending everything here P.S. im living in a fucking school with ficking lame teachers and fucking lame club wellness Conclusion: School sucks? - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 6:47 AM Thursday, July 9, 2009
HI peeps,
i just woken up from my afternoon "nap" yes from 3 till now hahas. Today was a so boring day in school...just imagine u having 4 free peiods straight la after recess was like waiting for time to pass and go home-.- I was slacking with titi xD she was playing monopoly with me [ she was the one pressing the buttons] and like she owned the game in 45 minutes...PRO right? Went back home straight after i bought my new badge from QBAY[we sell the 'Q' 'Q' stuff] i bought 1 for hui huang oso and i think she like it mine was like NICE can? den went to buy waffles and Bubble tea. While waiting for the waffles we were thinking of setting up a bakery when we grow up hahas xD. She walked me to the bus stop and she was like brain washing me about that person lolx. But seriously it ain't working hahas and when i was thinking who was the suspects for the childish spammers, YuZhi came up to me and tell me luh with message as evidence of course. P.S. Sam u are made wht u are do not change urself to comply to others CURSE of the day: CLUB WELLNESS CLOSE DOWN - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 6:17 AM Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hi spammers with ip of i've seen lots of spammers b4 but this is freaky soo many names but only 2 childish freaks hahaha if u wanna use more than 2 names can u at least take the effort to get a different ip no.? u are just disgracing ur self by not putting ur real name in MY tagboard get it?
- posted by J3r3M!@h @ 4:29 AM Tuesday, July 7, 2009
NAME: BAOJIN Country of origin: Shanghai, CHEENA Occupation:Costomer service manager, LOVER of OPERA Others: Specialise in making Mcpigus for Samantha After all she is me and Sam's good friend worx! she so cute right? - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 5:54 AM Monday, July 6, 2009
I felt damned worried when i read this blog, hey is not linking someone's blog a mistake? a fault? so now i'll not only link it but post it readers of my post pls go to and read
- posted by J3r3M!@h @ 8:42 AM
Wahaha!!! Today was a stay at home day for me but, it was quite fun i eat sleep play!!! Was on computer when some cow scold others old cow worx!!@#@@#$@#$. But yea i'am ok i don't really mind being called names because names from Sam is jus another joke>.<[agitated]
I did charity today^^ bought some kinda charity ticket from Adelind and i got darren to buy one too! omg i soooo kind hearted can? ohh my god bless us. Was chatting non stop on9 today and got a new word hahaha"sam u are a cow butt!" Thats all for today New post coming up - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 6:11 AM Sunday, July 5, 2009
Went to bugis today followed by Pizzahut, went with big sis, small sis, and lil bro. i see people are writing about me, i am extremely oblivious to it i must say and i won't bother, trust me. And SAMANTHA CHEN, don't keep sleeping la i want chat oso no reply...dead cow.
P.S. I want to declare im single and free today^^ I'll open my eyes when i look for girls next time>.< - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 7:50 AM Saturday, July 4, 2009
The ring of my alarm, the tap of the snooze button.
Woke up at 2.30p.m since 2.00am-.- Realised i slept for too long like wth 12.5 hours of my life wasted just like that. On my com gone maple and quarelled#@$%$#@>.< Wasn't in a really good mood. Went to T1 with sis and bought lots of eats>.< Went back home watched I GUESS I GUESS I GUESS GUESS GUESS (direct translation) and laughed, mood was changing for the better and now i'am blogging for leisure. So in conclusion today was a EAT EAT day. P.S.I've set my record of not sending a single message today^^ wow! To Fida: I'll always cheer you on. And on. - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 10:58 AM Friday, July 3, 2009
My be-lated present from Julyn decided to name it MOO-let^^ Went out with Darren for TRANSFORMER at Ehub! we were rushing for the 1.05 show but didn't make it- - so went for the 2.00 show. We went slacking at the bowling ring and saw a bunch of *** **** catholic ppl making a nuisance with their 3 leg cat skills yes i find them downright pathetic. We went to fairprice buy chips and were discussing wad can a sore throat guy like Darren eat??? we decided nothing... but still he bought cheetos and i bought unagi chips went to the cinema and ate nachos with cheesee~it was great trust me 2 out of 2 guys said the cheese was shiok! me and him-.- Show lasted for 2.5hrs!#!#@#@#$#@ but it was worth it quite nice yea walk to central buy RAKION CASH and took bus home. had my dinner and had a goddamn cht with sam making me guilty to cloud nines. Yes i'll keep the status quo. ending off here... P.S. Its fun to watch a good movie, but even better if you have a good friend with you^^ Credits to Sam's cow brain who thought of the name^^ - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 9:38 AM Thursday, July 2, 2009