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Jeremiah is my name
15,SINGLE Taurus my birthday lies on May 5th currently studying in Greenview Secondary. Like me? stay and read. Hate me? get the fuck outta here...just alt+F4 if u are too dumb>.


\ Anson:)


July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009

Designed by:cherish-

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Flag day is History and SINCO ic coming!
I got Torrence and Nurul in my group, kinda fun actually as those 2 kids are really nice peoples, our venue was at sengkang, compasspoint area which was damn damn deserted. The amount of people there was comparable to that amount of white u can spot in a bhangla. ~racist.

At around 1.00+, was kinda tired as i did not slept well the night before, so, its another excuse for me to slack, yea. When to cupwalker with Ryan and Nigel together with their kids. Bought Chocolate milktea which was rather nice. On our way to niceslacking area we met up with Genelyn and her kids.

We found a nice slacking area under the staircase where the 72" will never find us which he did eventually. Genelyn drank my milktea and her reaction goes like this. 1st sip:" very nice" 2nd sip :"i wan more" 3rd time i offered it to her. she claims she got a headache after my milktea-.-

Went back to school and had a really tough time with the 72" although i didn't really open my ears to listen to him. As he is lacking the general knowledge that pet bottles should only be used once, claiming that buying another bottle was wasteful and RICH F.Y.I a bottle cost about 1.80 at 7eleven and only 1 in shengshiong.

As he wanted the whole sjab to gain knowledge that he has no general knowledge, he goes on and on. His lack of priorities was most probably the general cause of him dying earlier than us by 10- 20 years? bon voyage to hell for him. On second thought maybe the angels might consider him a part of them. They look generally the same, well in size.

Now is the infuriating part. He scolded me for my attire and haircut when his hair is like longer than mine? HE SAID THAT IT WAS EMBARASSING TO SPEAK IN A CHINA ACCENT. 72" PLASMA LCD HIGH DEFINITION TV. Firstly, you just insulted China, so fuck you. Secondly you insulted ur ancestor which was mainly from china. Thirdly you insulted me, speaking in china accent not in the least embarassing.

Overall conclusion for the 72"PHDTV, girls shouting in the bus when the bus did a emergency brake was a natural instinct and should not be labeled as embarassing. Bringing PSP is not in the least embarassing ok? what's wrong with a PSP? and lastly, i definitely think that being able to block the entire walkway of the bus is the most embarassing thing one can ever do.

Tagging off

- posted by J3r3M!@h @ 11:01 AM


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Long time no post.

Yesterday, 15th November 2009, 15/11/2009.
I started my first day of work in Jack's Place. Broke a cup and plate...damn! Almost died of over exhaustion from work.

Was irritated by this china guy in my work place, totally damned annoyed by this china guy in the kitchem. His accent stronger than mine! I'll get baixin to deal with him one day. I do not like people with the mindset that they deserve better than what they get. impractical and arrogant.

I am bringing bacon home by myself. Father sucks. Determined to move out as soon as possible. Work was tough. The friends made there made it all worthwhile. Hope to get my first pay and treat my Daddy and Mummy to a meal at Hyatt.(If possible)

I am happy to have Fida working in the same shopping mall as me. We met each other today and we chatted on the way back home. My wrist is numb till now, from balancing the tray with my palm. Turning in for the day and preparing myself for work.


- posted by J3r3M!@h @ 11:02 AM


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cheebai cheebai cheebai! Lanjiao lanjiao lanjiao!

I had science learning workshop which totally sucks! The teacher was excellent in hypnotising and that was the only thing he was good at. I seriously have qualms about the Tea Chapter thingy also, y bother washing all the things, warming the cup, smelling the tea, rolling the cup. When u can actually just pour the tea leaves in a tea maker?! dumb right?

The only thing that is nice in the Tea chapter is obviously the tea leaf egg, which is like so suitable for a cow's diet^^ The mooncake we make was down right GROSS get me right GROSS. It taste like plain flour, yucks! well they claim its snowskin- - I realised how pro Cheryl is at peeling tea leaf eggs and how pro Julyn is at eating bitter stuff.

I did a amazing feat by eating the pu'er tea leaf which is definitely regretted, eeeee so gross la bitter like fuck den got china smell, well Melissa and Julyn can take it(psycho) Then when i was having fun making mooncake, there was this china guy selling ice cream puff for $2. I bought it and Darren was reluctant to eat it and insist i try first.(treat me like guinea pig).

Today we celebrated Sam aka Samantha aka NIU aka Cow birthday! The cake was yum yum because it contains the love of Me. Kaiwen and Yuting. Wow so much love inside not nice also must say nice right? Tagging off now, Wish Niu a happy birthday and love Niu always.

Signing off,
Xiao Niu

- posted by J3r3M!@h @ 9:08 AM


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today was, a nerve wrecking day in school. We were getting our english overall results which will determine our destiny for 2010. I passed my english with bobo and darren. Me and bobo was comfirmed to be promoted and darren needed 1 more passed subject.

Darren proved to be very pessimistic for the entire morning and it was rather contagious. It resulted me to think that i will be retained which is "ARGH" a fact damn hard to accept. After getting our english results, he started to see a glimmer of hope.

Went for lunch with kaiwen and then home. Praying, Hoping, Wishing that Darren will be promoted.

- posted by J3r3M!@h @ 12:55 AM


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kaiwen was suppose to meet me for lunch.
And she said she forgot... ...
I went with Huang'er instead.
Went to Popular with Wen'er.
Extremely shocked that my 6 pencils cost more than $10.
No more keyboard at home so bought a new water proof keyboard.

Woken up by my Penguin around 8.30, went to his house at 10.00. Helped him to install Linksys in his house it was a great hassle. Had a tough time guessing the password and got it anyway.

Went to GVSS to meet my friends. Went superdog and had a pist experience with that chilli fries. Went to Popular and than home.

- posted by J3r3M!@h @ 12:34 AM


Monday, October 12, 2009

Knocking some sense to my art prep work.
Admiring beautiful art work on9.
I am unsure of my english results although Cheryl chew told me i was passable.

Wishing upon a star that she'll accept me.
Endeavored through my exams.
Never stopped worrying for my results.

Its been a long time since my last post, grueling exams are over and horrifying results await. No school tomorrow, going to get all my art stuff hopefully between $10-30.

I know nothing i do is ever going to change the fact of deception, just want to tell you, I love you.

- posted by J3r3M!@h @ 5:01 AM


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Finally im back to blogger. Was preoccupied with SJAB, friends and Facebook. Life is plain and normal for me, had training today and i accessed their Foot Drill MOI and Mutual drill techniques, they were fine but not good thou. Had reflections with Mdm Jas which ended up like a chat. She asked a rather contreversial question. "Use the first alphabet of your name to describe today's training." Bravo was sort of weak~ in thinking of vocab, Me and Jireh lend a helping hand.

Ended training, walked out of school with friends and saw ELFI!!!!! iloveher and shelovesme x3x3x3x3 was hurrying for lunch so did'nt get chance to chat with her. I saw Clement's Vid in Facebook and my first impression was "are u that horny?" months past and he changed quite alot? feel free to add me in Facebook and i'll definitely accept^^

P.S. I don't like people living behind a mask.

- posted by J3r3M!@h @ 1:40 PM
