Jeremiah is my name 15,SINGLE Taurus my birthday lies on May 5th currently studying in Greenview Secondary. Like me? stay and read. Hate me? get the fuck outta here...just alt+F4 if u are too dumb>. Music
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Thursday, August 6, 2009
Back in school today^^
Mrs Chew, you suck. You know it so it need not be known. 10 reason u suck... 1) Your hobby is shouting at people. 2) You tend to act clever in all aspect. 3) You are fucking biased. 4) You love picking on people, especially when they are together. (jealousy got the better of you) 5) You think you look good wearing a skirt/dress and imagined boys chasing your skirt( can tell me which guy have eyes ob their soles?) 6) You take sides and kaykiang..."no love lost" who the fuck are yu to say that? 7) You talk to yourself and laugh at your own fucking lame jokes( Psychopath ) 8) You do need anger management training. Flaring up and running away don't help. 9) You think calling my parents over the slightest thing will make me scared of you? no... 10) Is there a need for another reason? ain't the 9 hurting enough? Enough of the C-H-E-W-I-S-H talk. Had enough of it. Went crystal making after school and mine was a success! after that had Flag Bearer training. aww its arm tiring thou. Ok off to maple den sleep... Good Luck for my flagbearer skills tomorrow. - posted by J3r3M!@h @ 5:40 AM